ARPARLA was protagonist of a special project in Kampala Uganda, born in collaboration with the italian NGO COOPI. The project was developed in different areas, eventually different from each other. There has been two concerts in the Italian and Irish Embassy with two different programmes (Italian baroque music and its influence in Europe, and the second based on early music from Irish composers and Italian leaving in Ireland (Geminiani: Treaty on the Good Taste). Arparla has also given two lessons on baroque music at Makerere University and International University of Kampala, in which has been described basic elements of the baroque aesthetic (rhetoric, managing the tempo, improvisation and the sound). Other two concerts has been done in collaboration with the Africa Institute of Music (AIM), one of them in the school and the other in one of the street of Kampala. The experience has been very touching and rewarding for the intense relationship that the music is able to activate. The concerts had a incredible following exactly for the nature of music of being able of comunicate and put people in relationship. Again this is a demostration of the possibility that culture has to open doors, give energy to the future and multiplicate the good relationship, indipendently from provenance, richness or poverty and taste.

