International Course of Improvisation


All encompassing experience, ... you won't view the world in the same way any more.

to sign up, please visit



Improvisation is a skill that more and more people want to learn: confronting the fear of empty space, stylistic issues, and the difficulties of achieving Good Taste while expressing ourselves.
This course in Music Improvisation aims to accompany musicians in their journey of discovery, gradually and personally, focusing on historical elements as well as modern-day psychological aspects, giving a solid foundation for any sort of stylistic studies. The result is not just about being able to add a few notes to an existing score.

The major goals of the improviser are:

  • to become aware of the connection between performing and composing.
  • to become flexible and prepared in the communicative dynamics within an ensemble.
  • to improve the capacity to communicate that which one wishes to express.
For this reason the course in Improvisation wants to give everybody the possibility to express themselves, employing the expressive codes into which the course will give specific insights. The broad range of supporting “parallel” arts/subjects aim to facilitate the opening of the mind and to provide one with valuable resources which can be adopted and used in one's general communication strategies.
Principal courses:
Improvisation for voice, melodic and harmonic instruments
Cantare a Libro (Contrappunto alla mente)
Rhetoric and Gesture
Keynote presentations:
Rhetoric of Gardens
Workshops: Music in action





Improvisation on the Commedia dell'Arte
Attunement and Sounding Discourses




Moment for research, training, personal expression
Evening Activity:
Dance in the square
Concerts teachers/students


Helicona Project APS
Associazione Italiana Cultura Sport (AICS)




